The war is over! Long live the Blu-ray!

There have been many of us holding back on stepping up to this new tech for a couple of reasons. First, those of us with monster-sized regular DVD collections are in no mood to start replacing all our films. Second, the price point on the high def players has been restrictive, and we've been waiting for the inevitable drop to happen (remember people in the 80s stuck with those $800 Betamax machines? You could CARS in the 80s for $800...). And third, of course, was not wanting to settle on a player until we knew which format was going to come out on top.
Looks like the decision's finally been made. We saw it coming in the past few days, when mega-retailers Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Netflix all announced they were dropping HD DVD and going strictly Blu-ray. That's a blow you just don't come back from, and it was just a matter of time before Toshiba threw in the towel. Now we have word that the official announcement is coming next week. Toshiba is admitting defeat and pulling out of the next gen DVD biz. That leaves Blu-ray as the sole format, which is an answered prayer for confused and frustrated consumers. Blu-ray is now the future of DVD.
So if you've got that X-Box 360, I'd wait a little while and then start grabbing up every HD DVD movie you can, because the prices are sure to plummet soon, if that's any kind of silver lining for you. If you've got that Playstation, you can feel smarter than everyone else and act smug and superior, like you knew what was coming all along. If you went out and spent too much on an HD DVD player? I'm sorry. You're screwed. If you've been thinking about doing the upgrade, now you know which way to go. But if you're like me, you're probably going to want to wait a while to see what happens with the prices for players. Me, personally, I just can't handle a single-disc player, and I have to have the 5-disc changer. So I'm definitely willing to wait for a decent price on one of those (I'm predicting a Blu-ray Christmas this year). Like I said, there's no rush. Not like regular DVD is going away next week. And I have no complaints about regular DVD either (probably because I haven't really experienced Blu-ray yet...). But I do have an HD TV set, and the whole world's going HD, so I know I'll be heading that way one of these days. But at least now the big question is out of the way. Blu-ray wins. Bye bye, HD DVD.
I wonder if they'll put Big Trouble in Little China on Blu-ray soon? Hmmmm...
At February 17, 2008 at 5:12 AM ,
Martin Maenza said...
Mike, I have not gotten any HD DVDs yet (in either format). Yeah, I have an HD TV but haven't upgraded my player at all from the regular format. And, like you, I have tons of regular DVDs as well. I don't relish the idea of upgrading.
At February 17, 2008 at 6:02 AM ,
Jim McClain said...
Guys, don't bother with Blu-Ray. The writers' strike was all about digital downloads and we'll be there before very long. We've enjoyed DVDs for 10 years. Blu-Ray doesn't have that long before we're downloading all of our media. Rent them for your PS3, but don't buy!
At February 17, 2008 at 10:31 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Ya. I was the dork that bought the Blu-ray dvd and then came home and wondered why it wouldnt play in my regular dvd player. l-l-l-l-loser! haha. Anyway, glad Blu-ray won cause Im more into the PS3 anyway.
btw, you and Tim up for seeing 10,000bc?
Da K
At February 18, 2008 at 8:14 AM ,
Anonymous said...
We should hear more announcements on this very soon, but the big holdouts are Microsoft, Paramount, and Universal. Sony is pushing hard, they don't want another Betamax dissaster like they went through in the 80s. LG is making and currently selling a product that will play both formats. If you have 850 bucks to blow, go for it!|audio|video_digital%20video__BH200.jhtml
At February 19, 2008 at 6:48 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I don't think on sets less than 40" that you can see much of a difference, It's my understanding that the increase really only shines on the big sets.
Or maybe not.
I think it's jus ta way to get one to upgrade from DVDs, which are more than fine. Considering I still have my VCR .. :)
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