Second chance! Tommy T's, tonight, at 7:30!
So, yeah, last night was the big open mic comedy contest at Tommy T's Comedy Club, and Vlado and I went up and did our thing. Much prep, much sweat, much angst, much self-doubt...but we pulled our material together and stayed true to our pledge to get up and do this.
And we both did pretty darned good. How good? Seemed to me that one of us HAD to end up the winner, since we were, of COURSE, the two funniest guys in the room (in our minds, at least, but positive visualization is all part of the process). We both hit it hard.
And at the end? Holy crap. I won. Didn't see that coming. I thought this would be a one-time, once-in-a-lifetime thing. Looks like now it's going to be at least THREE times in a lifetime.
So because I won, I have to come back tonight (Wednesday, 1/6) and be part of a comedy showcase, and (woo hoo!) I get a full 10 minutes. If you knew how much material BOTH of us had to leave on the cutting room floor when trimming down our routines to the 3-5 minutes allowed, you'd understand how much I have left to work with. So much so that I'm not even taking additional notes. I'm just going to get up there and reintegrate earlier material from memory. Should be able to hit 10 minutes, no problem. Especially if I doze off for a little bit in the middle... And apparently this now enters me in a contest in February I need to show for, but I'll have to wait on the details of that.
So if you've got nothing else going on on a Wednesday night, feel free to drop in sometime before 7:30 and join us. I'll be the one on stage, but Vlado, Tim, A.T. and I will be hanging there, and from indications, several others. If you're one of those people who wished you'd made it Tuesday but something came up, you've got another shot. So use it! We already know a number of people showing. Should be another fun party.
Can't begin to thank everyone who showed up to support us. Man, I'm not going to be able to remember everybody. A.T., Tim, Barrie, Jess, Rick, Wendy, Rachel, Nichole, Babydoll, Babydoll's fam, Robert, Mike, Roxanne, John, Joy and fam, Chris K., Tami, Tina, Larry, Kim, Chris B., Emily, Chad, Dennis, Laura... Who else, who else? A special thanks goes out to my Uncle Stan, Aunt Kathy and Aunt Dorothy, who, despite my warnings about the "blue" comedy of all those less family-friendly comedians (hey, I did a couple stripper jokes, but strippers have families, too, right?), showed up to represent the O'Connell family. And a very, very special thanks to our man on the cam, Rich, who showed up and did the video despite the fact that he has to get up at 2:30 AM to go to work, and hopefully (I'm now worried about the lighting after seeing some photos...) captured the performances of me and V for those who couldn't make it to enjoy.
Okay, off to sleep myself, but again...if you think you can make it, see the previous post for the map and such. Come on down and have a good time with us! Join the O.Z. (O'Connell/Zeravica) Tour! Or the Z.o.O. (Zeravica or O'Connell) Tour, depending on what we decide on...
At January 6, 2010 at 7:31 AM ,
KC Ryan said...
Congrats, amigo!
I SO wish I could have been there!
Be sure it gets posted!
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