A Gift is a Wish Your Id Makes

Ok, COMPLETE coincidence here that I'm posting this 11 days before my birthday, I ASSURE you...
I just happened to be updating my wish list on Amazon and knocking some stuff off that I'd already bought in the year or so since I last checked the list. And while I use the list just for myself and to keep track of the things I plan to buy in the future, it occurred to me that the other reason to have such a list is that IF people are planning to buy you a gift, such a list would be helpful (assuming they wanted to get you something you really wanted...though some of the best gifts can be those it turns out you didn't KNOW you wanted...)...but only if people 1) knew you had such a list and 2) knew where to find it. So, seeing as how this is my official web page, I figured I might as well put the link up there in case someone gets stumped (that is for those people who don't know already to just buy me a good cigar and I'm happy...).
So in case you're ever wondering, you can go to:
My Amazon.com Wish List
...and see what I've got my eye on. This is, of course, just a public service. And an excellent way to show people what a giant nerd I am as well.
And if you don't have one for yourself, how about making MY life easier and going to Amazon and setting one up? If nothing else, it's lots of fun to window-shop and dream. And who knows? Maybe I might even get you something on your list if the occasion pops up. Which, by the way, is a good reason to keep your list updated, too. Of course, I'll probably still end up buying you a film or TV show that *I* think you need to see. Yes, I'm an entertainment control freak. I swear, it's all for your own good. So get one, and share it with your friends and family...especially those who continually buy you presents that, shall we say, leave you wanting (like wanting to know what the hell they were thinking...).
At October 7, 2007 at 6:38 AM ,
Martin Maenza said...
Mike, I use the Amazon wishlist the same as you - a bookmark of what I might want at any given time, etc. I haven't gotten any of the Sims 2 stuff yet - been so long since I played my Sims stuff so I haven't gotten back into it. You know how I so got sucked in there.
I do need to go back and check my list to see what's on there though. It's been awhile.
At October 12, 2007 at 2:13 AM ,
Vicious Summer said...
I freaking love the Sims. So much so, that I had to quit playing it. Serious...haha :)...
p.s. La Mesa?! Huh? Are you back in SD?
At October 17, 2007 at 11:13 PM ,
Michael O'Connell said...
Yeah, I remember the addiction to the first Sims. So I'm kind of afraid to buy Sims 2. But I figure if I don't buy it myself, and if someone else buys it for me...well, I don't want to hurt their feelings and not use their gift, so...
(So I should probably hope no one buys that for me. Else the SIMS MONKEY WILL BE BACK ON MY BACK!)
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