For those of you who missed the update from Nicole at the site earlier this week, my niece, Danielle, broke her collarbone recently while fighting off an entire cadre of rogue ninjas. I can't reveal all the details, but there was a hidden pirate treasure involved, one that Danielle, during her travels, became the sacred custodian for. It's a whole eternal blood oath thing...it's complicated. Regardless, you know how ninjas are when it comes to hidden pirate treasure (who doesn't?), so they showed up and started a ruckus, TOTALLY forsaking their supposed fealty to the warlord they were pledged to serve until the end of time (who, ironically, became an ally of Danielle's during one of her previous adventures). When ninjas go rogue, loyalty just gets kicked to the proverbial curb. What are you going to do? Anyway, while their numbers were legion, Danielle bravely fought them all, to a man, and defeated the assassin horde, denying them the treasure they so coveted. Her collarbone paid the price, but as the saying goes, you should see the other guys.
Please note that reports circulating that she actually broke the collarbone during a dance class at Brownies are totally erroneous and either spread by said ninjas in a vain and immature attempt to salvage their reputations after being so soundly trounced by an eight-year old, or perhaps by Danielle herself to keep the former Soviet commando squad known as the "Red Sabre" off the trail of the treasure until such time as she recuperates fully.
A very speedy recovery to you, Danielle. You'll be back in the game before you know it. Stay strong, remember the teachings of your sensei, and don't forget to floss. Though I know that's not as easy to do with one hand...
With love (and pride)--
Uncle Michael
Last Avatar of the August Green Dragon Clan
(Long story. Our family REALLY has to stop taking vacations abroad...)
At February 17, 2008 at 5:09 AM ,
Martin Maenza said...
Mike, your niece is a cutie. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
At February 17, 2008 at 2:22 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Props on the flossing reminder! haha She's now a member of the broken bone club.
Da K
At February 18, 2008 at 8:39 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Danielle, I probably don't need to tell a pro like you, but if the spent shurikens of your fallen enemies aren't enough to keep your grill shiny, there's a great one-handed floss-katana (complete with animated instructions) here:
At February 19, 2008 at 6:43 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Heh heh.
Wishin' Da Niece gets better soon, hey?
If'n she gets tired of ninjas I'se kin always use a tuff gal like her in my mob, see?
K "Big Special K" C
At February 26, 2008 at 9:21 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I am a part of the Special Ninja-Doopers Corps where we are more covert than the most covert ninja. Ninjas are fast, but the Ninja-Dooper is a 1/2 percent faster. Ninjas are masters of the art of.....Ninja'ing, but Ninja-Doopers are Super-Dooper Ninja masters!......Any whooo, I digress...We easily captured a Rogue Ninja who happened to be the messenger for the Rogue Ninjas. He was carrying a parcel of some sort. We used our special Ninja-Dooping envelope-opening and deciphering skills to uncover the secret message.
Danielle, it was addressed to you and it read:
"You are a formidable opponent. Actually, we are lucky that you spared our lives and allowed us to write this apology. We are sorry. Really really really really really sorry we taunted you to beat us into Ninja submission. Really, sincerely, hope you feel better! (Please) Love, the Rogue Ninjas."
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