Kings Flashback - My Early Sportswriting Days

As proof of just how deep I was into it, I've gone and dug up an unpublished bit of writing of mine. I had this grand plan for my web site, you see. I had a whole monster Kings page in mind, one with facts and stats on all the players, and with detailed game-by-game analysis by...well, who do you think? The site IS "". As the summer of 2000 passed, and as the 2000/2001 NBA season began, I was still putting the pieces of my big Kings page (which, by the way, was called "BigKingsLove") together, but figured while I was, I had better get started on my game analysis. Yeah, THAT didn't last long. I wasn't getting home from work until almost 11:00pm those days, and then had to watch the taped game, and THEN sit down and write up my analysis of it. Those late nights were not to last. And hey, that's okay, because my Kings page never happened either! That's the problem with wanting to build a page based on something as fluid as an NBA team. By the time you've built the page, all the news is out of date, and all the players have changed! I kept trying to restart for a few years, but finally gave up on the big dream.
But because of that idea, I did manage to do my first sports writing. I think I did maybe ten of these post-game write-ups, but wow, just looking at the first one, does it ever show how into the sport I was. This, and the other recaps, have never been anywhere but on my hard drive until now (and not read by me since they were first written). So take a journey back in time with me, will you? Back to Halloween of the year 2000, when the Kings were just getting the big show started and starting to make a name for themselves. This was the beginning of the golden era of Kings basketball. Back when we still believed that it was our time, and that we were going all the way. It was the age of J-Will excitement. It was the age of monster Webber slams and hilarious Vlade flops. It was the age of Jon Barry game-winning miracle shots, with the chants of thousands of Arco fans shaking the rafters with "BAR-ry! BAR-ry! BAR-ry!". It was the age, my friends, of Kings.
Season Opener:
Kings at Chicago
Okay, let me join every sports writer in Sacramento by opening with this one.
Kings fans get a treat on Kings Halloween opener!
Okay, with that out of the way…
My boys are back! It’s the happiest day of the year here at the Leisure Dome, the day when the NBA League Pass action kicks in on the digital cable, and the first Kings game is on the tube. As per last season with my schedule, it was tape it and rush home for it. Aaron, who’s schedule is slightly different and will usually end up having to watch the game before me (as I’m usually stumbling in from work between 10:30 and 11:00), opted to wait for me on this opening game. Just took the time to come in the door and grab my Kings hat (Aaron, in kind, donning his “55” jersey for good juju) and it was off to Chicago.
The good news? The Kings won. Please. This was one of those “had to win” situations. First, they were playing the Bulls, whose magical “threepeat” dynasty has sunk so low that three wins in a row in one season is a miracle. Don’t mean to put a team down here…just saying the perception these days is that they’re one of the coveted NBA punching bags, and if you lost to Chicago on your opener, you’re going to hear about it. The Kings didn’t. Not for lack of a trying a couple of times, mind you. But hey…that’s all part of Kings ball, too. The tear-your-hair-out moments. I’m sure moments like those will really gnaw at me later in the season. But tonight? It was like coming home, baby.
The other good news? The backcourt! Woo hoo! Now I’ve been following the box scores in pre-season (since League Pass was nice enough to make sure none of the Kings pre-season games were broadcast…not even the Laker game in Vegas!), and I knew, objectively, that Doug Christie and Bobby Jackson were fine additions to the Kings arsenal. But reading about it and watching it are two different things. From the get-go, I was stunned! The talent on these guys! I immediately got the sense that what was holding us back last year—the lackluster regularity of Nick Anderson and Corliss Williamson (don’t get me wrong, I love ‘em both) keeping the starting five from really taking care of business—might just be a thing of the past. These are the new guys, for crying out loud. Neither rookies, of course, but still, new to the team and the way Sacramento plays. And they rocked the house!
Thanks to Jason Williams’ summertime “high jinx”, we ended up with Bobby starting on point, something we all knew was going to happen (Darrick’s place in the doghouse seems quite set, even into the new season) and will certainly continue through J. Will’s 5-game sit out (I wasn’t aware, by the way, that suspended players aren’t even allowed in the building during the game. Jason watched it from the hotel). Was anyone actually worried about this? Bobby made sure they all forgot their troubles and (come on) got happy. The moves on this guy! He stunned me. MONSTER defense all up and down the court, with amazing speed and natural instincts. He was everywhere! Slick, lightening-fast, footwork like you couldn’t believe. His four steals attested to his hair-trigger concentration and always-on work ethic. Ended up with 6 assists and 14 points tonight, and with one new big fan here in San Diego. I love this guy! Still, I find myself a little sad because knowing how hot he’s going to be backing up Jason, it’s kind of obvious that Darrick’s going to see most of his play this season backing Bobby up in these first 5 games, but when you get down to it, sentiment just don’t get you the “W”. He’s going to do some amazing work. We’re very lucky to have him, and can applaud the choice in bringing him into the fold.
Doug Christie. Oh, my. He, too, blew me away in the opening minutes. Sure, I’ve seen him around before, as he’s been in this game for a few years. But I never really paid attention. Now, I’m definitely wide-eyed and attentive. We’ve got a real franchise star with Doug. He’s going to do some really fine work here, and make sure the starters don’t have to get bailed out by the bench quite as often. Loved watching him shoot. Totally natural and fluid on the floor, deadly on the jumper or in the paint. And as with Bobby, great defense. You really have to be a Kings fan to be properly shocked by really good defense. This is just isn’t something we’re used to. He played his 36 minutes with style, putting 9 points on the board and, more importantly in my opinion, showed me that he can play Kings ball. Hey, anybody in the NBA can play basketball, man. Kings ball is a totally different animal. It’s about the pizazz, the telepathy, the Hollywood edge, the style making the substance sparkle. He’s going to fit in remarkably well, and just may be the edge we need to get us all the way to the prom.
So the new guys were pumping me up, but tonight was more about seeing what the old gang’s up to, seeing how my boys are shaping up this year. Yeah, it’s still Kings ball. Moments of disbelief and pure joy, following up by wincing and head-shaking. But the latter really didn’t play that big a part for me. Hey, to tell the truth, winning wasn’t even all THAT much on my mind. It was just about seeing my guys throw that ball around again. And, yes, my boys are back.
The big news—Peja! We all knew, even last year, that Peja would be stepped up to starter this season. Worst thing that happened to Nick Anderson’s career was that injury problem last year that put Peja in the stoplight, and let us all see what the kid could do. Kid’s going to be a star this year, you just watch. Some commentator oh-so-accurately referred to him last season as “one of the best pure shooters in the game”. Peja does it all. The long ball, the pick and roll, the jumper, and the monster slam. What CAN’T this guy do? He’s stepped up in defense to supplement his ball artistry, and I think we can count on him for some game-changing moments on either end…and a regular 20 points to keep us up above the century mark where we like to be. I was also quite happy to see that the boys finally cooled him out and talked him into getting a better haircut. The Opie look really had to go. 23 points, 8 boards and 3 steals for the big mouth-breather tonight. He was everywhere and everything. It’s going to be an amazing season for the kid.
Webber? What can I tell you? Who else can play an off game and still put up 23 points? Highs and lows for Chris tonight. Obviously was a little off his game, and it was obviously bothering him (still note quite sure where the technical came from, though…seemed to have happened after he scored. Hmm). But it’s easy to forget that part when you look at the one-man highlight reel he gave us. Could we get MORE patented Webber power jams in one night? It was GREAT to see him back and playing again. It was REALLY a long summer, believe me. And a summer with news of Chris maybe looking for greener pastures after this year, which should make all of us sweat a little (and bend over backwards to hold onto him). But I think Chris is going to find out this year that he IS, in fact, with the team that’s going to get him to the Finals. I really think the guys have a strong chance to take it all the way this year, and with Webber stepping up in on- and off-court leadership, he could be the guy that makes it all happen.
With the exception of a few bobbles here and there, a pretty good night for Vlade (we got a couple of flops! Both horizontal and vertical! Flopmaster V is back!). I was pretty impressed with a pass from the floor to save a bobble and turn it into opportunity. Good to see him acting and yelling at refs…and, as ever, giving support from the sidelines when he’s on the bench. And speaking of centers…what’s up with Pollard’s hair?! I love this guy! He’s a freak! Great seeing the butcher back in action again, with fouls-a-plenty (hey! That’s what we pay him for!) and some near-homicidal boards. Some nice work under the net, too, including one tasty power jam. Nick got a few minutes, and managed to drain a three (always puts a smile on my face). Darrick got a few minutes in there, and gave us a couple of those patented kamikaze layup moves that always make me think of Kevin Johnson back in the day. And, of course, I got my Darrick Martin crazy 3. He didn’t make the shot…if he did, it wouldn’t have been my crazy 3! It was a staple of the first part of last season. At least once a game, no matter if they just put him in for a minute or two, Darrick always had to launch up this monster 3-pt shot and miss it. It became kind of tradition. Not a good idea to mess with tradition, so I was happy to see it. Funderburke, who really reminded us of his value in the preseason, came off the bench and put on a show, giving us a solid 7. It’s a shame that with Webber playing so many minutes (does that guy ever get tired?) that Lawrence only gets to show what he can do when Webb’s out with an injury. But it’s good to know he’s still hot off the bench when we need him. Ah, yes, and then there’s Jon Barry. This was vintage Barry (I’m almost sad to say). Giving it his all, but not always making the wisest choices. Just tries to do too much sometimes. Man does love the drama (and that’s one of the things I love about his play, actually), and he’ll always go for the highlight…and most of the time come through. But, in some cases, a simpler move might just do the trick. Aw, he was looking good though. Diving for stuff (it’s not a Kings game if Barry doesn’t end up face down or in some fan’s lap), pumping up them 3s (wish he would have made one tonight, but I can wait until next time), and making free throws look so bloody automatic. Can’t wait for another season of Jon Barry 4th quarters. I predict many a last-second backbreaker out of him, as usual, and know I won’t be disappointed.
Oh, and I guess there was another team playing there tonight, too, wasn’t there? Hey, Chicago put on a good show, taking back the lead a couple of times and putting up some highlights of their own (gee, do you think Fizer’s near-half-court 3 at the halftime buzzer will be on SportsCenter a few times tomorrow?). I’m actually kind of excited about an NBA team that’s just SO chock full or rookies. Young team, full of potential, poised to maybe become a Cinderella story (okay, maybe not)? There’s a lot of talent there. Didn’t see as much out of Elton Brand as I’m used to, but what was there was amazing, as ever (that kid’s nuts!). The big story was Mercer, who just couldn’t be stopped. Some great moments and 11 points from El Amin really helped keep them in the game. I was actually very impressed by Hoiberg, who had some pretty slick moves and a couple of MONSTER 3s. Guess the experience shows through there. Man’s been six years in the NBA, which makes him, by at least two years, this team’s veteran (a 6-year man is your vet?!). Ah, but as I mentioned, Fizer was the big news. Tonight was his debut, and he stepped up and flew the flag, big time. Brother put up 16 points in his NBA debut! That’s 6 more than Pippen did on his first night! He shined bright, and may be one of the main things keeping Chicago alive this year…if such a thing is possible after things have gone so horribly for the once-blessed franchise. As I said…it’s all about the rookies with this team, and I like that, and I hope they do well and blow everyone’s mind. They gave us a couple of scares tonight, that’s for sure. But they’ve still got a long way to go if they’re going to survive even the first half of this season.
All in all, it was pure basketball joy for me, just seeing my boys in action. So it begins. 1 down, 81 more to go. We really need to prove we can make it on the road this year (our great bane in the ‘99/00 season), and we’ve certainly got a chance to make a go at it with this four-game trip through the Midwest. But the good news is that the opening-game jitters are over, and we got to get that out of the way while playing a team that wasn’t able to properly take advantage. Now it’s time to go to work. We’ve got Cleveland, Detroit (did I mention Stackhouse got 44 points tonight?) and the dreaded, cap-busting, fine-paying Timberwolves to get through before we can get back home and really play where we play best. Against Portland. I’ll start shuddering now. We took them in preseason, and they got dropped pretty well by the Lakers tonight, but they were always one of those big two teams (along with Phoenix) that always had our number last year. We’ll see if we can take it to them when the stats are really being counted, and when the great Pacific battle is in full swing.
Welcome back, boys! We’ll see you in Cleveland!
At June 12, 2008 at 10:22 AM ,
Sarah said...
awww this seriously brought chills to me. I miss my boys. :(
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