Indy Saturday Night!!

Good news is? After my previous obsessive hand-wringing on the night before the Cannes showing, the reviews are in - up to 122 of them, last time I checked the 'Meter, and the results are good. Whew! Sure sounds like a film that needs to be seen on the big screen, and with a big crowd.
So join our crowd! Remember - this is another big one, so BUY TICKETS EARLY. Remember, those of us who were at Iron Man, how wall-to-wall THAT was? I always advise And remember to PRINT the ticket at home and take it with you, or a soon-to-be high-school dropout in a vest with a nametag will stare at you dumbly and won't know what to do...and in the end, will not give you a ticket. Trust me.
I have, just this evening, jumped on iTunes and downloaded the main Indiana Jones theme, just to play it at strategic moments between now and Saturday. So get in the spirit with me. I Don't think Harrison will be doing another one of these, so this is your last chance to see him in the fedora. Come experience with us. Be there!
At May 22, 2008 at 7:16 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Actually, they already are doing prep work for the next Indiana Jones film.
George Lucas was quoted as saying he'd like Shia to do the main work and have Harrison guest like Sean Connery did.
Uh, hold that thought, George. Remember Jar Jar? Bad idea.
At May 22, 2008 at 9:08 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Can't make it as I'll be at Kubla Con all weekend. You guys have fun!
Adam J
At May 22, 2008 at 4:18 PM ,
Dr. K. said...
I have a fedora. How much you dare me to wear it? I'll so it for a Medium popcorn. I dont care if my armcandy thinks Im a dork. She already does anyway. I swear, I'll do it. I think I can muster up a khaki shirt too.
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