Michael O'Blogger

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Can we all just get a clue?

For reasons I won't go into (they would just confuse you), I was on IMDb (that would be the Internet Movie Database for you non-film-nerds) looking up some info on the 1994 film "Airheads". As I was scanning for my bit of intel I sought (okay, I was looking for piece of info to help me complete a bad joke about the death of poor Bea Arthur I was posting on a message board. Satisfied? I'm ashamed), I happened to see the title of a discussion thread about the film. I thought the title was a joke. I found out it was not. And I felt old. And kind of speechless.

The set-up: if you haven't seen "Airheads" (Brendan Frasier, Steve Buscemi, Adam Sandler, Michael Richards, Chris Farley, and Amy Locane in fishnets? What are you waiting for?!), it revolves around this wanna-be rock band that ends up taking over a radio station in an attempt to get their song played. A huge crowd of supportive rockers gathers outside, being kept back by police. In an effort to get the police to turn the lights back on, the lead singer (Frasier) incites the crowd by starting the chant, "Rod-ney King! Rod-ney King!".

And here's the thread (in part):


Subject: Who's Rodney King?

By sanja 86
Didn't quite get that part.Can anyone explain?

By Comic Lover
he was a black man, who has beaten by the police in the early 90s, i guess it stirred up some controversy cuz the cops were pretty brutal, it was across the street from the biker bar in terminator 2

By Myers4892
didnt know rodney king was beaten across the street from the biker bar in T2. you learn somethin new everyday.

By Cryonaut
Basically the 90's version of "Attica." As for the line itself, I had no clue who Rodney King was and I thought they were talking about Don King. I was scratching my head for a bit.

by lisabaum8
Rodney King is on Celebrity Rehab 2


I just...

I just...


I'm going to bed now.


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