The Great Renuzit Can Scandal

...can get your company in a bunch of trouble.
In 1995, I was living in Scottsdale, Arizona, where I worked for the Dial Corp. As the name might suggest, the Dial Corp is the manufacturer of Dial Soap. But they also have many other products under their banner, other brands they've purchased over the decades. Purex Detergent is one. Breck Shampoo is another. They even own a line of canned meats - Armour Star (maker of fine Vienna Sausages. No, they're really not fine...). From bleaches to wood polish, corn starch to hair color, the Dial Corp has it all. And when I started working there, they had even recently purchased a whole line of air fresheners. Renuzit air fresheners, to be exact.
My job title at Dial was "Consumer Information Representative". Here's how my job worked. Let's say you have a bottle of Liquid Dial in front of you. If you were to pick it up and look on the back, you'd find some small print that provided you an 800-number to call if you had any questions, comments or complaints about the soap. I was the person at the other end of the phone, there to listen to your soapy rantings.
People who heard what I did for a living would often look at me with a baffled, amused smile and ask what people could possibly have to call about. You would be surprised. I sure was in my first weeks on the job. I, myself, had never considered placing such a call in my life. But many, many consumers did. Mothers would call to ask if it was safe to wash their cursing child's mouth out with our bar soap (our legally safe answer was that we did not recommend it for that use). People would call when they couldn't find one of our products in their area anymore, trying to track down a store that carried it (this was especially traumatic for users of Breck Hair Color, including one panicked woman who stated that her own husband didn't even know what her real hair color was...and for some reason she didn't want him to find out). Folks with allergies wanted to double-check and be sure certain ingredients weren't in our food products. Observant Jews wanted to know if certain products were kosher. Kids doing reports for school would call to get help on their homework. Women would swear at me for twenty minutes when stains didn't come out of their laundry. People would claim injury from our products - slipping on soap, a sliver of glass in their food, a rash from our fabric softeners. Lonely housewives would semi-regularly call me from the bathtub (careful to point out their location to me at the start of the call) with unimportant questions, just to have the thrill of the clothes-free conversation (I was like Richard Gere, if Richard Gere knew way too much about antibacterial vs. regular soap). People sure they were going to be rich would call with new product ideas they'd come up with, only to see their dreams dashed when I had to tell them that we didn't accept outside ideas. An angry father once called me when, after he'd sprayed some of our air freshener in the parrot's cage, the beloved family pet dropped dead, and the kids were due home in about an hour and he had no idea what to tell them (tell them their father should have known better than to spray a chemical all over an exotic bird?). One of my favorites was when a woman in Arkansas, quite distressed, called me to let me know that we'd ruined a breakfast she'd held for some visiting friends when it turned out that two cans of our Armour Star product called (I'm not making this up, and this sells fairly well in the south) "Pork Brains in Milk Gravy" had been bad, and her guests were so disappointed because they'd been looking forward to some brains and eggs.
So after just over a year of this kind of thing, I'd thought I'd heard it all in my job.
Ever notice how the minute you think something like that, the universe snickers and rubs its hands together?
We started getting some strange calls one morning. More and more of the same call kept coming in. Soon enough, management had to call us in for an emergency meeting. Apparently, we had a problem. And it was clear from the look on our manager's face that it was one she did not feel comfortable discussing.
The Renuzit line is made up of many products, varying by scent and by type. There is, for example, the Citrus Sunburst fragrance. If you like this fragrance, you can get it in a variety of product types, ranging from aerosol sprays to "adjustables" to plug-ins to carpet fresheners. Consumers were quite apt to call and let us know which fragrances they loved and loved not so much, and we'd take their comments, thank them, and send them coupons for future purchases. That was one nice part of the job that I never got in any occupation thereafter - the ability to brighten a customer's day with the promise of an envelope full of coupons at the end of the call. People who call 800-lines LOVE coupons. I feel that if 976-numbers had offered coupons, they'd still be around for heavy-breathers to this day.

There was a problem.
On the aerosol spray can, a metal seam ran down the length of the can, top to bottom, and that seam cut off the photo in a spot that was not cropped on any of the other FCF products. The part of the photo it dissected, on one portion of the can, was the curled petal of a tulip. Just a tulip petal, nothing scandalous, nothing that would have raised an eyebrow in the art department when the photo was being approved.
But when that seam cut off the tulip petal, a situation created completely by chance? It no longer looked like a tulip petal.
It looked like a penis.
There was an ensuing period of "Where's Waldo" in our meeting at that point, all of us looking at the cans and trying to find it, believing this must be some kind of joke. It was no joke (even though most of us were trying hard to remain professional and not snicker). If you knew where to look, you could find it. Now, seeing as how we, in the Center, all had access to the other products, we could pick up, say, a can of the powdered carpet freshener and see the uncropped photo, and clearly see that it was a rolled up tulip petal, as we could see the whole flower there. But that unfortunate seam had done its work, and done it well enough for someone, in some store in America, looking at cans and trying to decide which scent would best accentuate their trailer home, to spot it, do a double-take, and become convinced that there was clearly a veiny, tiny penis in the photo.

As the old 70s shampoo commercial goes - they told two friends, and they told two friends. And so on, and so on, and so on...
Word had started to spread, and quickly spread far enough to start reaching a couple of morning radio shows. It was then the fires were really lit, and the Renuzit Penis urban legend was born. As the concocted story went, the photographer responsible for that photo had found out he was losing his job. Disgruntled and vengeful, he decided to get a little payback on his last day on the job, and he...well...inserted himself into the photo. It was a story with absolutely no basis in anything even close to a fact. But it was a GOOD story. A story with a penis in it.
And thus began the Renuzit scandal, and the living nightmare for all of us who worked the call center at the Dial Corp. Calls started flooding in. Some were just people trying to verify the story, and we were MORE than anxious to dispel the myth, and offer to send them a color copy of the entire photo to review, or recommend that they go to their local Wal-Mart and pick up the carpet freshener and see the uncropped photo for themselves. People, of course, didn't want to do that, because the false story was, let's face it, much more fun. Add to that the fact that many of these people had been telling this story to every friend and relative they had, with an air of insider information in their confident reporting, and didn't want to sound the fool for being duped.
Others calling in were not curious, but outright angry. There was a rising fundamentalist rage over a trusted consumer product manufacturer introducing pornography to unsuspecting store shelves. You expect that kind of smut in the cosmetics aisles with all the half-naked hussies posing on the boxes, but the air freshener aisle is supposed to be a family aisle! Many of these angry callers were also parents, as this story spread through schools with ridiculous speed, and children were impressing each other with this shocking (yet giddily pleasing) tale, often bringing their mother's can of X-rated air freshener to class with them. One distraught mother told me that her young son, since finding this out, had been unable to keep his hands off the can...or himself (her words).
Most, however, were callers that completely eroded my faith in the American adult public, something that not even people calling to scream at me "It doesn't SAY anywhere on the bottle of bleach not to wash your dog with it!" had accomplished. Some of them couldn't even make it through the call they were snickering so much. Grown men and women became sniggering adolescents at the sight of an imaginary winky. Some even tried yelling while they were doing it, threatening to sue, but couldn't contain their laughter and pull it off. Some calls were less humorous and more...well...sexual. This was the hardest part for me - not for me personally, but for how I felt for my fellow workers, who were almost exclusively women, who spent the next few months going through their work day in a state of, essentially, constant sexual harassment. Guess we were cheaper than a 976-number. Plus, you
The media had fun. Morning radio was practically born for moments like this. We got wind of one "wacky" morning show doing a live broadcast from the local Target, handing the can to unsuspecting passersby and asking them to take a close look at see what they saw. The brief pause would then be followed by an "OH MY GOD!", and hilarity would ensue. This got so far that the then-undisputed king of morning radio - yes, Howard Stern - picked up on the story. He called our center and got Danette, the girl who sat next to me and a good friend, on the line. Danette was a very sweet girl, whose whole goal in life was to become a contemporary Christian singer. And she had to be the one Stern got on the line. I was sitting there when it happened. She calmly and emotionlessly said, "Please hold". And she put him on hold. She looked at me, told me who it was, and said, "There's no way I'm going to end up being 'The Renuzit Girl'". She took off her headset and walked to our manager's office to discuss it. In the end, she left Stern on hold so long he hung up. That probably didn't help much with casting doubts on the photographer story.
So we took the abuse, as such was our duty. Day in, day out, the phallic phone calls came, with callers enraged, aroused, or enjoying themselves immensely, and none of them believing our explanation of innocence. I felt bad for the poor folks with valid Pork Brains issues that couldn't get through to voice their lament. The Dial C.I.C. became All-Penis, All-The-Time. Even my personal, and sizable, adoration for being a part of anecdotal awesomeness like this could only last so long. There are only so many ways to say "It's not a penis, ma'am", and only so many times you can say it before (hard to believe, I know) it gets old. I became a dork-denying drone, going through the motions, praying, for once, for a finch to drop dead to break the monotony. There was no joy in Dialville - we were not a happy group of workers.
Thankfully, the United States of America is held up by two unifying foundations - individual freedom, and short attention span. The calls did eventually trickle off. Bill Clinton was in the White House, after all, so there were other penis scandals to be found. And we had O.J. to thank for further distraction. By the time I left the employ of the Dial Corp to move back to California, only a handful of penis (I'm interrupting the sentence right there to make you chuckle so you can feel like one of our callers) queries (I chose that word for the same reason) were slipping through (bwahahaha!), but they would no longer be my problem. My days of bar soap rashes, laundry disasters, spoiled Brains and Fresh Cut Penises were over.
Oh, but you can bet your ass I took one of those cans with me. I may have given up on Brains, but I'm no dummy.
NOTE: As with all urban legends, even ones that come from such a doubtless source as me...always double-check them on
At July 28, 2009 at 4:33 AM ,
Jim McClain said...
At July 28, 2009 at 8:39 AM ,
KC Ryan said...
Heh. Typical.
BTW, I started off my career selling Armour Thyroid pills - which we got from the same hogs that Armour bacon came from.
and yes, I was familiar with the Brains in a Can... unfortunately.
At July 28, 2009 at 6:44 PM ,
Vlad said...
Brilliant indeed!
By-the-way, with the parrot poaching dad, were you tempted to launch into the Monty Python "'s not dead, you just stunned the parrot..." routine?
At July 28, 2009 at 6:46 PM ,
Michael O'Connell said...
"Hello, Polly, hello...?!" I'd be lying if I said the thought hadn't crossed my mind...
At June 5, 2010 at 1:56 PM ,
Anonymous said...
hey i was wondering about how much can you get for the cans with the penis on mother in law has two of them and she was wondering if they were worth something her mother has had them since 1984 and she recently passed away leaving them to my mother in law....
At July 29, 2010 at 5:29 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Penis cans from 1984? This myth happened in 1995, so I doubt the cans that your mother in law has are the ones desired by "collectors".
At November 17, 2010 at 6:14 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I actually still have that can, and was wondering if it is worth anything? Does anyone know??
At April 2, 2011 at 4:19 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I remember I was listening to my local radio station and they brought this subject up. My mother loved "odor spray". She had a can in her bathroom.. I still have it also.
At June 3, 2011 at 11:10 AM ,
Eartha Kitsch said...
Oh my gosh, I remember this. I also remember being on a first date and the guy saying, "Have you seen the penis air freshener can?" Kind of freaked me out until he showed me the can! Very well written and so interesting to see the behind-the-scenes story from your point of view.
At February 5, 2012 at 12:38 PM ,
Anonymous said...
i worked at a pharmacy at the time that happened and we had to recall them off our shelves. i took one home and still have it today. The story back then was the "label maker guy" knew he was going to be fired so he did it as a joke. Wow. after 15 years im proven wrong. i was thinking i could get some money out of it. lol wrong
At May 19, 2013 at 7:01 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I also have a can
At July 23, 2013 at 11:29 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Before the internet and before blogs and snopes there was no way for someone to find out this information unless they called I suppose. Funny thing is I STILL HAVE A CAN of the Runuzit in a glass case with other collectibles I have and it never fails that someone will ask me why I have a can of air freshener in there. You're right about the story is better than the truth because I've told the story to hundreds of people not knowing myself that it was not true. Now that I know that it's not I'm not sure if I will keep it anymore....
At October 13, 2013 at 1:32 PM ,
Unknown said...
I too have a can that I purchased as we were instructed to pull them from the shelves at the Walmart where I worked!! It was hilarious!!
At November 3, 2013 at 9:55 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Where is the original picture that supposedly shows a tulip? It's nowhere to be found on Google. The "penis" is between the petal of a tulip and the petal of a stargazer lily, but I have seen thousands of tulips and my own penis every day, and that doesn't look anything like any kind of tulip. It doesn't really look exactly like a penis either, but it looks a lot more like a penis than a tulip.
At January 21, 2014 at 9:21 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Did u ever get a buyer? I have one too.
At September 6, 2014 at 9:18 AM ,
dana said...
I am so disappointed! I have one, and never knew this was not true until I told my husband, and found out :(
At February 2, 2015 at 4:35 AM ,
rygor said...
i have one of these brother gave it to me years ago and said to hold on to it that it may be a collector item some day.who wants one ?? let me know....
At May 3, 2016 at 1:12 PM ,
Anonymous said...
My sister had that can. No question it was a penis and intentional.
I have no idea if anyone was fired or not but it was very obvious. It shows you cannot believe bloggers or snopes.
At June 18, 2016 at 10:56 PM ,
Tammie said...
Awesome story! I was at work at the University of Utah and the maintenance crew had brought a can in to show off complete with the story that it was purchased as police were taking cans off of the shelves in the store, haha! Nice to know the real back story now!
At October 6, 2016 at 11:09 AM ,
Anonymous said...
There are actually 2 phallic images.
At March 17, 2021 at 7:19 PM ,
Anonymous said...
What a bunch of BS. That is not a tulip petal. I have 3 different versions of this spray can. 1 with phallus, 2 with a blacked out section where said phallus was, and 3 the version with a white flower over the phallus. Nothing else on the can had changed. I also looked for the ‘whole picture’ mentioned in this blog on google and couldn’t find it. Even the carpet freshener of fresh cut flowers looks nothing like the spray can in question. IMHO, it IS a fresh, uncut phallus and dial was doing damage control. I can’t say I blame them.
I also find it interesting that I heard the photographer story at a store when the staff was pulling it from the shelf. My niece worked at Winn Dixie at the time, and she was the one who told me about it, so I bought one.
At July 29, 2021 at 7:31 AM ,
JOHN P. said...
Great article with one exception; Don't use snopes to verify anything.
At August 17, 2023 at 9:57 PM ,
MistressK8 said...
Excellent! The Renuzit Penis air freshener is a family heirloom at our house!
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