The Blackout Blog - Epilogue

Monday night, home, with power.
I checked out at the Holiday Inn and went straight to work. About mid-day I called my landlady to check, and sure enough, we had power. Apparently our problem was a downed line. From what she tells me, where it was, SMUD probably wouldn't have found it if our handyman hadn't found it first and chased the truck down and told them about it. So I dealt with the office today. NIGHTmare. Down all Friday, and THEN our phones went down over the weekend, and were still down when I got there. So everyone who tried to call our company got a busy signal. Phones finally got back online mid-day, and the calls and voice mails started flying. Got many, many fires to put out. Going to be a long week.
But that's for tomorrow. Today, I left the office and came home and found my complex all lit up, after days of driving home and just seeing the black hole. Needless to say, I was in very, very good spirits. I came in with my backpack and opened the door, to find that when the power came on, my TV and my sound mixer popped on, so I was greeted with Wheel of Fortune in HD. Vanna never looked so good. Well, maybe in that Playboy issue... Hey, I was in high school when that came out. Of COURSE I looked at it...
So all but one of my clocks is reset (I'll get to the alarm clock when I turn in). My phone and answering machine are working. I've got the heater turned on (new storm coming in tonight). And most importantly, I have my computer back. Oh, I missed it so. And was happy to see it didn't fry in the power outage. My home is my home again, not a dark, cold place viewed by flashlight. My home is really important to me. It's my oasis, my safe place. Having that taken away for a few days really brought that home to me. Good to have it back. Hope the rest of Sac is doing as well with their power.
Speaking of being some things to do and I want to make it an early night. And I want to read a BOOK. Just didn't get into the idea of book readin' by candlelight. Going to enjoy being able to make out the words tonight, and drift off to sleep...with my TV glowing in the background, playing some familiar film that I've seen but that I'm not SO into that it'd keep me away. Finally, a normal good night's sleep awaits. Whew.
Off to to order groceries. BOO ya! I've been off fast food for quite some time, and having to return to it reminded me why. No more fast food! Ugh! Frozen dinners and yogurt coming my way!
At January 8, 2008 at 7:12 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Funny.. I always thought that was "I AM the power"... of course, I thought "Big Ol Jet Airliner" was "Big Hotel Leave a Light On", too. (Must be channeling Tom Bodet)
Glad to see your power is back!
At January 8, 2008 at 2:55 PM ,
Martin Maenza said...
Damn, Mike. That's some adventures.
Of course, we have those kinds of fun every few years here in hurricane country (and no, I'm not talking about the fandom of the Carolina hockey team either - of which I am a proud member).
It does put in perspective though how dependent we are on our technology and what not. Still, makes you appreciate things like printed books and whatnot.
At January 8, 2008 at 6:45 PM ,
Michael O'Connell said...
Don't feel bad, K.C...when I was in 6th grade I thought the AC/DC song went "Dirty Deeds and the Dunder Chiefs". Who, or what, were the "Dunder Chiefs?" No idea. I just assumed AC/DC knew.
At January 8, 2008 at 7:01 PM ,
Anonymous said...
So the adventure of 08 begins! YES!! hahaha. Thanks for the interesting journey of a very dark weekend. Some good reading.
At January 8, 2008 at 7:04 PM ,
Michael O'Connell said...
See, Martin, I don't LIVE in hurricane country, specifically so I don't have to deal with hurricanes. I'm not supposed to have to in Norther California. That's the deal I signed! I want a refund!
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