The Dark Knight. Saturday.

This is the one film I think most people I know have been waiting for this summer. And so far, those few reviewers who have seen it have been stunned.
Let's be stunned together, shall we?
We're back at Century on Ethan this Saturday, July 19th. The 7:50 show. Myself, I think this is a MUST-Fandango, so I highly advise grabbing your tickets early and that way.
I'd also advise we show up by 7:00, as there will probably be a line (you think?).
This could be the film that finally breaks super-hero cinema out of its constraints and lets it soar to heights unseen.
Or it could be two and a half hours of Batman beating the crap out of a creepy-ass Joker.
Either way? I'm good.
Be there, SacFilmFans.
And then join me after, as we all take a drive to L.A., show up at Joel Schumacher's front door, point at him and laugh.
At July 16, 2008 at 2:52 AM ,
Martin Maenza said...
At Schumacher's front door, you need to do the Nelson laugh from the Simpsons though - ha ha. ;)
I have to admit that my wife wants to see this film - but she's always been a big Heath Ledger fan. Me - I'm on the fence about the film. We'll see if we make it to the theatre to see it.
At July 16, 2008 at 7:07 AM ,
KC Ryan said...
I'm going to see it but in a few weeks, when the crowds die down a little. It's been my pattern of movie going this year - see the cool movies three weeks later when something else is grabbing everyone.
You see, I'm going to see Batman down at Navy Pier on their huge, HUGE IMAX screen. Bigger than those freestanding IMAX theaters, way bigger.
It's supposed to be fantastic, but already sold out on the first two weekends - and that's with shows running continuously.
THIS is the film I've been waiting to see. Not Iron Man, not Speed Racer, not Indiana Jones and the Weirded Out Space Thingy from Mars.
This oughta be good.
At July 19, 2008 at 9:38 AM ,
Dr. K. said...
Hey Mike, I'll be there, the armcandy wasnt feeling this one so Im the lone guy tonight. I'll see ya at 7.
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