Boldly going...again.

While I'm not ready for my full review yet (I want to have a second viewing before I do that), the fact that I AM going again should tell you how I felt about it. All manner of awesome.
I snuck out with my pal James opening night, before I left town for the weekend. I got back into town and am still getting reports in of who did and did not make it. But every single one of them who did make it expressed a need to see it again as soon as possible.
There are a couple who didn't make it, so after talking with them, we've schedule a viewing this Saturday night at 7:00 PM at the Century theater on Ethan (the usual haunt). So if anyone's yet to make the plunge, or just wants another chance to see Uhura in her underwear, the invitation's open. Join us! I would again advise Fandango, but there's less chance, obviously, of a sellout on the second weekend. So either way. Hope to see you there, and stay tuned for my big review!
At May 14, 2009 at 7:00 AM ,
KC Ryan said...
I SO wish I was near enough to go with you guys.
How come we never did this when I lived there?
You did.
Never mind.
:) KC
At May 14, 2009 at 9:44 PM ,
Michael O'Connell said...
Wish you were here to go with us. Yes, back then, though, I went and saw EVERY movie. College was cool. Must have been at the theater every other night back then. Now it's just too much trouble to bother getting in the van and going there and fighting for parking and dealing with those meddling texting kids.
At May 15, 2009 at 11:31 AM ,
KC Ryan said...
I tend to drive ten miles out to the AMC South Barrington. Not only does it have thirty (!) theaters, but it's off by itself - no Steak 'n' Shake or Gameworks nearby so it doesn't tend to attract kids, but people who really want to see the movie.
I'm boldly going tonight - IMAX. Cool!
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