ALERT: Nor Cal people - MISSING GIRL

The girl's name is India Cloud (the family's last name is Cloud). I'm just going to go ahead and cut and paste the information note from her father, Chris, that's been going around to people:
Share Today at 2:21am
India Cloud was last seen on Friday May 29th, at 1:30 pm, walking on Sir Francis Drake blvd. in Fairfax, heading towards San Anselmo. She was carrying a wheeled suitcase and was possibly hitchhiking. India is 16 years old. Her Height is 5'7", she weighs approximately 120 lbs, her eyes and hair are brown. Her clothing is unknown.
Possible areas she might be are: Marin County, San Anselmo, San Rafael, or heading towards Sacramento. Please contact Chris at 916 267-9883 or email at

I really don't know much more than that myself, except that things are really getting mobilized, fliers are going up, and a lot of people are on the lookout for India. All I ask, all my Northern Cal people, is that we do the same. In case like this, whether it's a runaway situation or not really doesn't matter. Finding her and getting her back to her parents does.
Please, if you hear anything, contact Chris Cloud using the information above. Or, hell, contact me and I'll do it. Keeps your eyes sharp and your prayers strong for the sake of the Cloud family, will you? Thank you all.

At June 3, 2009 at 5:38 PM ,
Anonymous said...
If this is a runaway situation then there's not much anybody can do to make her go home. She is 16 and can move out of the home at anytime. The thing we can do as citizens is do a health and welfare to make sure she is ok. What the parent are doing here if this is a runaway situation which is most likly is since she had a suitcase with her is shurk the law and appeal to the public. If this is a runaway situation people do not touch her you can get sued for asault and end up in jail. The only thing the police can do is verifiy she is ok. My sister ran away at 16 and that's exactly what the police told us and the law has not changed.
At June 3, 2009 at 5:54 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Praying for her safe return.
At June 3, 2009 at 6:11 PM ,
Michael O'Connell said...
At June 5, 2009 at 11:05 AM ,
Janos Hunnic said...
Anyone under the age of 18 who is believed to have run away from home or is considered a 'juvenile delinquent' can be detained and returned to the custody of a parent, guardian or the court. Read more from California law on runaways below
At June 5, 2009 at 1:59 PM ,
Anonymous said...
India has been found and she is back with her parents. Thanks to all who helped us with your suggestions.
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