Munchies for Nothing
If you didn't know this about me already...I don't cook. There are reasons for that. I'll give you the simple one. Imagine yourself trying to cook your dinner from a sitting position with heavy weights strapped to your arms. That's about where I'm at. I cannot lift my arms, really, at this point in my life, and can't really stand up, either. Let's just say that it is really, really impractical, very taxing, and more than a little dangerous (not being able to hold up your arms is not a good thing when your arm is over a hot stove burner....). Fortunately for me, I live in the age of the microwave (woo hoo!). So if I'm not eating out or bringing something home for dinner, I'm a frozen dinner nuke-it man. And I like it that way just fine.
Also, I am not big into variety. This is true in some other areas of my life as well, but most obvious when it comes to food. I'll spare you the details (and you'll thank me), but experimenting with different foods is just not a good idea with me, and rarely ends well. Which, again, is fine. I like the foods that I like, and I generally don't get tired of or bored with those foods. When it comes to frozen dinners, I used to buy a few different varieties. After a while, though, I finally started to notice that there were a couple I could warm up and enjoy any time, and the others tended to make me regret buying them, particularly when I'd realize I'd eaten the ones I really do enjoy and those others were the only ones left in the freezer. I realized that if I was unhappy with what I was buying, maybe I shouldn't be buying them. So, at some point, I started buying just two different frozen dinners--chicken fettuccine alfredo and Swedish meatballs (with noodles). Know how Einstein used to have seven of the same sets of clothes in his closet so he'd never have to waste time and thought on deciding what to wear? I no longer have to sit staring at the freezer deciding what to make for dinner. Oh, and I also eat the same container of peaches and generally finish things off with one of two different yogurts I like (again, I used to buy all different kinds, but whittled it down to two).
I discovered online grocery delivery a few years ago and never looked back. I HATE the supermarket, and with my wheelchair situation, I was never able to just make one big grocery stop. I'd have to spread shopping over a couple or three stops during the week so I'd be able to carry everything. Doing something you don't like is one thing--having to do it two or three times in a row, particularly after a long day at work, sucks. So now I order my groceries about every two weeks, and get them delivered on Sundays, when I'm generally home, and only stop at the store if a special need comes up (there's another whole blog waiting to happen on how much I hate pot lucks at the office...).
Today was grocery day, and the guy showed up with my stuff and carried it in for me. I always have them just leave the bags on the kitchen floor, where they're easiest for me to get to. I signed the invoice and he went on his way, and I rolled in to start the unloading process. This whole arm-lifting thing comes into play with putting groceries away, too, but I manage. All my cabinets are down low, the fridge is easy enough to get into, and the only issue is getting stuff into the freezer. It's not so bad. I just have to do it in stages, as I can usually get about two dinners at a time up there (three if I'm feeling manly), which means--since I order seven of each of my two dinners each time--that I have about seven trips to make to get them from the floor to the freezer. Not a big deal.
Today, however, I went to get started and noticed something strange. I always start with loading up the chicken, as I put them all on one side of the freezer, then put the meatballs on the other side. This keeps me from having to wonder which meal I'm reaching for each evening (Lean Cuisine doesn’t put the meal names on the box ends, and since I’m always sitting down when I’m at the freezer (and pretty much every other situation, too…), I can’t see the top of them). The fettuccine boxes are slightly thinner than the other one, though, and this makes them easier to spot when I’m getting them out of the bags. Looking down, I suddenly noticed that there seemed to be more thin ones than the other. A lot more. Perplexed, I looked in the next bag, wondering if they hadn’t given me all fettuccine and left out the meatballs. No, the meatballs were there, too…and there seemed to be more of them as well. That’s when I realized that there were a couple more bags than normal. Confused, I checked my receipt.
At November 12, 2007 at 3:24 AM ,
Martin Maenza said...
Mike, our store will usually just give you half price on each item in that case. I bet since you were calling in the order though that they felt they should just double it. That was a nice surprise.
At November 16, 2007 at 7:41 PM ,
Vicious Summer said...
That is awesome!
One thing I've noticed is that guys like to have lots of stuff. I have had many arguements about Costco purchases...
"Yes, I understand that you saved $.04 per cup, but WHERE THE F*&% ARE WE GOING TO STORE 10,000 DISPOSABLE COFFEE CUPS?!?!? Next to the 20 gallon barrell of laundry detergent or on top of the pallet of paper towels?!
I got into Lean Cuisine frozen dinners myself, in October since I was sleeping on the floor in the office with only a mini fridge and a microwave (and no time to get takeout). My favorite is the butternut squash raviolis. SO good. I thought it sounded gross too, when I bought them, but they ended up being so so so good.
At November 20, 2007 at 8:08 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Mike!
I'm into Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine and.... well, let's just say I'm a variety fiend.
I do know what you mean about some not tasting good and some that do. I've eliminated many many dinners!
My store tends to make you buy the extra one to get extra ones. By that I mean, our store had a special on Diet Coke this week - buy two and get two free. But you had to buy two - not one, get one free. With that they'd charge you the regular price for both. Luckily I know I'm going to drink it up sometime, so I bought eight (well, they had Diet Caffeine Free Dr Pepper on sale, too!) :)
Sigh. I am SO going to die from this stuff... :)
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