Cloverfield Night

And I'm really not going to say much about it. I'd like people to see it on their own without any spoilerizing from me. I will say this, as I think it best sums up the impact of the film: when it ended, and the credits rolled, half the sold-out theater booed. The other half cheered. It was that kind of film. I quickly realized that I can in no way predict how you're going to react to this movie. I think that's a good thing for a film, when it can really draw strong emotional reactions out of people, one way or the other. Me, personally? I loved it. I really did. And I found myself wanting to strangle many of the "haters" that kept walking by me on their way out as I heard them grumbling their REALLY REALLY STUPID REASONS for not liking the film. I would have accepted their opinion had that made any kind of sense!! To explain further would be to give spoilers, and I won't. Because I think you should see it and make up your own mind.
However, do NOT see this film if you have motion sickness issues. This film is giving people serious nausea. That's because the whole film is a POV through a camcorder...filmed by someone who's, more often than not, running. Did Blair Witch give you issues? This one is worse. You will spew.
But if you don't mind the shaky cam (and if you do, by the way, don't ever watch any of my camcorder videos), I'd say go check it out...if for no other reason than so I can discuss my opinions on it with you. Let me just suggest this to you - let the film be what it is. Understand its storytelling technique and go with that, and if it's different than what you're used to in films you see...let it be different! Try something new! I think they did a great job doing exactly what they set out to do, and I think it was one hell of a ride, and some damned fun filmmaking. Thanks for not letting ME down, at least, J.J. Abrams. No matter what the other half of the theater thought...
At January 19, 2008 at 5:08 AM ,
Martin Maenza said...
Mike, I had a feeling it would "feel" Blair Witch-y due to the camera POV. I'm thinking that might be enough to make me a little sick. I know the wife couldn't take it - she gets sick watching the kid play racing video games. Sounds like you enjoyed the film though, and that's the important thing.
At January 19, 2008 at 1:26 PM ,
Da' K said...
Sweeeeeeeet! Cant wait to see it! But with Zoe's b-day we're off to see Veggietales, the pirate movie. woohoo. excuse me while I contain my excitement.
At January 19, 2008 at 2:36 PM ,
Michael O'Connell said...
Martin - you might try it as a rental, but if the shaky bugs you, I can't promise you'll be able to enjoy it.
Dr. K - if you're cool with the shaky, I definitely recommend trying it in the theater. I have a feeling you're really going to dig it.
At January 21, 2008 at 7:47 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Yeah, the shaky cam bit wears on me, too. I might see it someday at the dollar theatre, so if I start getting sick I can leave and not feel I wasted ten bucks. Shame, though - looks like a good old-fashioned monster movie (with those little scorpion things thrownin). Glad you liked it.
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