Wild Turkey

Moments later, I heard and saw a low-flying police helicopter start circling overhead. Moments after that, one of the turkeys came back into view--flying. He was flapping his wings frantically and clearing one of the parking structures. He hit the ground running and scurried out of view, heading toward the parking lot exit. I craned my neck and watched this curiously. About five seconds later, his two partners came running from behind the complex office and took off after him. The police helicopter then moved away, and is currently circling somewhere off in the distance.
I can only sit here and wonder what kind of job they pulled, and hope that no innocents were harmed during their getaway.
I need a drink.
At March 24, 2008 at 9:12 PM ,
Unknown said...
pretty clear to me it was probably a jailbreak from Jennie-O or maybe a case of smuggling Wild Turkey across state lines--
Just be glad, citizen, that you were inside. Who knows what desperate turkeys could do to you or your loved ones.
At March 25, 2008 at 5:01 AM ,
Jim McClain said...
As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.
At March 25, 2008 at 7:19 AM ,
Anonymous said...
That was the Gobbler Gang - Cold Turkey, Wild Turkey, and Jive Turkey.
.. they beat the stuffing out of some poor schmuck.
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