I want my life to sound like Dave Grohl’s voice.
I need to see Hawaii. I’m long overdue.
Shaving is real pain in the ass. I need to become a musician or a professor or something so I don’t have to deal with it anymore. Or start a cult.
There’s a girl out there that I still owe a big apology to, and I wonder if I’m ever going to cowboy up and just get it done? She deserves it. And it’s always going to be there in the back of my mind if I don’t.
I need to get John Hughes’ phone number or email address. I have a TV project I want to pitch to him. If anyone knows him, hook me up, would you?
I hate gin. In all my drinking days (and there were a lot of those days), that’s the one liquor I couldn’t stand.
I wonder what it would be like to live in one of the Dakotas?
Where, exactly, did Steve Guttenberg blow it? So he starts with Diner, but then does Police Academy. Under normal circumstances, going a Police Academy kind of film is where you shoot your career in the foot, but it was pretty much the START of his. Big films after that – your Cocoons, your Three Mens, a few big household-name-making moments. Did he just wake up one day and make a call, and wonder why no one was answering? And then the next call, and the next? Did he really piss someone off in Hollywood, or did he just refuse to get rid of his agent who seemed to think that films like “P.S. Your Cat is Dead” were a GOOD idea?
If I knew then what I know now, I’d have focused a lot more on science in school. It fascinates me…yet I’m in idiot in it. I’d have just studied a whole lot more, in general.
Whatever happened to Pink Lady and Jeff? Did they just split? Are there, like, two shows in Vegas now at opposite ends of the strip, one called “Pink Lady Live” and the other called “The Jeff Experience”?
I really need some new clothes. Why is it I only ever think of that when I really can’t afford to go shopping for new clothes?
I want to get a new laptop one of these days, but I’m torn. I like how small my Thinkpad is, because it’s easy for me to carry around. But it’d be cool to have a nice, badass one that does everything my PC does, one that would let me sit out on the patio and watch movies with some earphones on. But the bigger ones have the keyboard too close to the screen, and my reach isn’t that great, so I prefer it closer to me. I don’t like all that extra wrist space.
I’ve never been to Boston. I need to see Boston.
If I got myself really rich, I’d like to take a few months off and spend every day in the Smithsonian. STILL wouldn’t have seen everything by the end of that time. That’s what’s so cool about it.
How am I ever going to find the time to scan all my photos from my old albums like I want to? It would take forever. And if I did, what then? I can’t even mange to get my existing digital ones up on to galleries. I’m years behind on that alone. Maybe I need to hire a temp.
Am I ever going to decide on one screenplay and just write the damn thing, or am I going to spend the rest of my life jotting down ideas for new ones?
Can we just do the election now and skip all this lead-up so I can turn on the TV in the morning and hear something besides how Hillary used the wrong fork at a campaign dinner the night before, and whether that’s a sign that it’s now all over for her?
I can’t figure out what to do with meeting celebrities. I mean, being introduced to them, that’s one thing. But bumping into one. I’m always faced with the conundrum. Do I just let them be and not be one of “those” people and annoy them by saying hello? Or do I follow my usual instincts and leave them be, and always wonder if I should have said something? I’m going to have to make a decision one of these days and just stick with one or the other.
Is the Hulk movie going to suck as much as we’re all starting to think it will? That would be two for two.
I just heard that Extreme is getting back together. I wonder if that’s going to be a good thing for me? I owned and loved all their CDs. They were “my band” for a long time. But there’s a lot of music I was into back then that I can’t even listen to now. Will this be the same?
Are we going back to the Moon, like, EVER? Aren’t we going to feel stupid if Japan starts going up there and builds a moon base first and claims it and wants to charge us rent if we finally decide to set something up? Who owns the damn thing anyway?
I need to go shave. I mentioned it’s a pain in the ass, right?
At April 22, 2008 at 2:58 AM ,
Martin Maenza said...
Mike, I love a glimpse into your thoughts. Always revealing.
FYI - Steve Guttenberg got his break in 1980's "Can't Stop the Music", playing NYC DJ/songwriter Jack Morell who is looking for his big break - and gets it with the help of Valerie Perrine and the Village People. (he said, reading from the back of the DVD box off his shelf - yYeah, I need a life.)
At April 22, 2008 at 8:38 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Heh. Good thoughts.
I prefer Boston to Hawaii, actually... only if you include the outlying areas like Cape Cod and Salem (they have witches on their police cars! really!) and the House of the Seven Gables (not as big as drawn in Classics Illustrated!) and Walden and... and... Fenway Park (in Boston, I know) and the Constitution and...
It's a great town. :)
At April 23, 2008 at 8:09 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Haha. Dude seriously Andy Rooney voice was in my head as I read that. Boston by Faaaaaaaar is the best city on the east coast. NY cant even compare. A kickass town and then on top of that there is like 8 colleges in it so its overrun with good looking young women. Darn, thats a shame. I heard arumoe that Steve Guttenberg is a dentist too. dunno if that true. And finally, Extreme reunion, well, hmmm, they only are known for one song, the days of fast shredding guitar has been gone for 20 years. Oh well best of luck.
Da K
At April 24, 2008 at 5:33 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Kevin said...
>I want my life to sound like Dave Grohl’s voice.
Tell your life to start smoking Marlboro Reds; it'll get there.
>I need to see Hawaii. I’m long overdue.
Aloha air, nonstop from Sactown. Hey, if you did Ireland, Hawaii is easy.
>Shaving is real pain in the ass. I need to become a musician or a professor or something so I don’t have to deal with it anymore. Or start a cult.
Being a professor *is* being part of a cult. Trust me.
>There’s a girl out there that I still owe a big apology to, and I wonder if I’m ever going to cowboy up and just get it done? She deserves it. And it’s always going to be there in the back of my mind if I don’t.
So do it already. Now.
>I need to get John Hughes’ phone number or email address. I have a TV project I want to pitch to him. If anyone knows him, hook me up, would you?
John's out of it, man. You need to get with Judd Aptow.
>I hate gin. In all my drinking days (and there were a lot of those days), that’s the one liquor I couldn’t stand.
This from the King of Southern Comfort.
>I wonder what it would be like to live in one of the Dakotas?
You've seen Brokeback Mountain, right?
>Where, exactly, did Steve Guttenberg blow it?
When did he ever have it? Police Academy? Three Men and a Baby? You think those are "A" List films?
>If I knew then what I know now, I’d have focused a lot more on science in school.
Sure, but what would you have done with all that Science? Med School? Pfft...who needs a $300,000/year job anyway?
>Whatever happened to Pink Lady and Jeff?
What the hell is a Pink Lady and Jeff?
>I really need some new clothes. Why is it I only ever think of that when I really can’t afford to go shopping for new clothes?
>I want to get a new laptop one of these days, but I’m torn...it’d be cool to have a nice, badass one that does everything my PC does, one that would let me sit out on the patio and watch movies with some earphones on.
Maybe if you didn't spend your cash on computers, you could buy those new clothes.
>I’ve never been to Boston. I need to see Boston.
Go work for Worker's Comp at Liberty Mutual; they'll send you there for free. Of course, you'd have to work for Liberty Mutual. And do Workers Comp (blurgh).
>If I got myself really rich, I’d like to take a few months off and spend every day in the Smithsonian. STILL wouldn’t have seen everything by the end of that time. That’s what’s so cool about it.
>What if you got yourself Rich Straub instead?
>How am I ever going to find the time to scan all my photos from my old albums like I want to? Maybe I need to hire a temp.
Get your mom to do it. She'd get to hang with you, and you'd get those photos done. Win-win.
>Am I ever going to decide on one screenplay and just write the damn thing, or am I going to spend the rest of my life jotting down ideas for new ones?
As someone with several chapters for three different novels, and a dozen unfinished short stories, I'm the wrong guy to ask. Finish at least one, then write a rough draft of another. Then, go back to the first and edit. Remember, you're going to re-write that fucker 50 times, so don't get stuck on a stupid rough draft. Don't edit as you go; that's a killer and a time suck. Let it be an actual rough draft. You'll fix it later.
>Can we just do the election now and skip all this lead-up so I can turn on the TV in the morning and hear something besides how Hillary used the wrong fork at a campaign dinner the night before, and whether that’s a sign that it’s now all over for her?
No shit. McCain's going to win anyway. The Dems can't tie their own shoes.
>I can’t figure out what to do with meeting celebrities. I mean, being introduced to them, that’s one thing. But bumping into one. I’m always faced with the conundrum. Do I just let them be and not be one of “those” people and annoy them by saying hello? Or do I follow my usual instincts and leave them be, and always wonder if I should have said something? I’m going to have to make a decision one of these days and just stick with one or the other.
You live in Sacramento. What celebrities are you bumping into? Kings players aren't celebrities. Not with the record they had this year.
>Is the Hulk movie going to suck as much as we’re all starting to think it will? That would be two for two.
Yes, but Iron Man will kick ass.
>I just heard that Extreme is getting back together. I wonder if that’s going to be a good thing for me? I owned and loved all their CDs. They were “my band” for a long time. But there’s a lot of music I was into back then that I can’t even listen to now. Will this be the same?
Yes, and the new Def Leppard is good, too. The benifit of being 40? You can buy what you want and you don't have to justify it to anyone.
>Are we going back to the Moon, like, EVER? Aren’t we going to feel stupid if Japan starts going up there and builds a moon base first and claims it and wants to charge us rent if we finally decide to set something up? Who owns the damn thing anyway?
We're going back by 2020. Check NASA press releases. We're going to build a base their as a stopping point on the way to Mars (manned mission). I'm not kidding. I live in Florida. We have NASA here. I know things.
>I need to go shave. I mentioned it’s a pain in the ass, right?
You're shaving your ass?
At April 26, 2008 at 3:28 PM ,
Martin Maenza said...
Kevin, LOL. Those responses to Mike's thoughts were very funny.
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