My Entire DVD Collection. Seriously.

I picked up this DVD Profiler software because I wanted to 1) be able to quickly check what movies I have without actually going into the living room and looking all over the shelves (I don't alphabetize. I bet Martin just had an involuntary eye twitch when I said that, didn't he?), and 2) I also wanted to be able to publish my catalog online somewhere to share. If for no other reason than people who are looking for a Christmas gift for me can check my list and make sure I don't own it already. Based on #2 there, I promise to always update the site every time I get a new DVD in the house. So feel free to browse my collection if you like. And if there's something you want to borrow, hey...that's why God made Netflix...
At April 22, 2008 at 2:59 AM ,
Martin Maenza said...
Nice. I need to catalog my DVDs as well. Might have to give this site a try.
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