Life Before Cable - The ABC Sunday Night Movie

However, when I was growing up, there was no "cable" available. Maybe there was in some parts of the country, but not if you lived in Northern Cal. And even it was around, the vast majority of Americans were still slaves to network television. So when a big movie hit the theaters, you knew you really had to get out to see it. Because if you missed it, there was no "I'll just rent it in six months". There WAS no rental. And there was no "It'll be on cable soon". Again...NO CABLE. All you could do if you missed out on the big blockbuster that everyone was talking about was to sit on your ass for one to three years and wait for it to show up on network television...chopped, censored, overdubbed to spare you from the verbal violence of profanity (when NBC showed the Burt Reynolds film "The End", Burt's lips said something quite different, but his voice from the TV said "Gosh darn son of a buck!"), and jammed full of commercials for Pepsi ("Catch that Pepsi Spirit! Drink it in, drink it in, drink it in...") and Eveready Batteries ("I dare you to knock this battery off my shoulder"). But we all know what beggars CAN'T be, so when we had a chance to see a big-name film that was long-gone from the neighborhood theater, we treated it like the event that the networks told us it was. And there was no bigger venue for such events than the ABC Sunday Night Movie.
Let me share with you a little flavor of what those nights were like with a couple of video clips from the glorious year of 1979. I won't spoil it for you by revealing what the big blockbuster film is, but if you click HERE, you can watch the promo leading up to the big event. And don't the ad will tell you, it comes on at a "special time", but it does come on AFTER "Mork", so you won't have to miss that. Please join with me in digging the awesome seventies ABC neon logo.
And then, get your heart pumping in anticipation as you click HERE and watch the ABC Sunday Night Movie lead-in intro to the film. How can you NOT watch it? Just listen to the's "the biggest adventure EVER"! And and it's about to start "for the first time on television". I'm getting chills all over again! Make some Jiffy Pop. Pour yourself a Dr. Pepper (or, if you've put the kids to bed, maybe some Riunite on ice (Riunite so nice). And settle in for (what actually is) one of the greatest motion pictures ever made, and proof that a couple of good things did come out of the seventies. ABBA was not one of them, but this movie was.
Sorry that I don't have the actual film for you to watch. If you're really in the mood to see it now, you can always find it on cable. Or see if it's on On Demand. Or pull it from your DVD library. Or go get it from Blockbuster. Or order it from Netflix. Or download the Torrent and watch it on your PC. Or get it off iTunes and watch it on your iPod.
Yes, times do change.
But Robert Conrad can STILL kick your ass if you mess with his battery.
Sunday Night Movie Intro - 1976 - (Hey HEY hey!)
Sunday Night Movie Intro - 1979 - (Okay, they weren't ALL blockbusters...)
Sunday Night Movie Intro - 1982 - (Let it go all the way to the end for an awesome promo!)
Sunday Night Movie Intro - 1984 - (Bond love, baby!).
At March 31, 2008 at 4:15 AM ,
Jim McClain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
At March 31, 2008 at 4:16 AM ,
Jim McClain said...
Thanks, Mike. Now that you mention ABBA, I have "Dancing Queen" playing through my head on an endless loop.
I'll get you back, I swear!
(edit: Sorry I had to delete my previous comment. They should have an edit feature on this thing.)
At April 1, 2008 at 6:57 AM ,
shelleyo said...
I'm still a slave to network television...
At April 1, 2008 at 8:04 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hahaha. ReRON. hahaha. But seriously the 70's were DOPE! and ya, part of that is literal.
At November 19, 2008 at 1:17 PM ,
Julia said...
So you seem like you are pretty into the Sunday Night movies.
I've been looking for a movie I saw quite a few years ago that was one of these specials.
It had to be from 1990-1998 and it was about this like city with dinosaurs and for some reason I think it was called Utopia but I couldn't come up with any results for that on any database.
Do you know what i'm talking about or do you know where I can find a list of the ABC sunday nights movies?
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