Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Let me ask you this. You like Joss Whedon? You like Firefly? Or, you like musicals? Or Doogie Howser, MD? Or super-heroes? Or laundry? Or evil horses?
Ah, but what if you happen to like ALL those things, huh? Well, finally, there's a web film just for you.
Proving what can happen to a writer's brain during the writers strike, Joss (along with his two brothers, Jed and Zack, and Maurissa Tancharoen, who has one of the more interesting career turns I've seen in Hollywood...from a dancer in Michael Jackson's "Moonwalker" to TV writer...) ended up coming up with a super-hero musical. Well, technically, a super-VILLAIN musical. Enter our hero (villain), Dr. Horrible, played by the one and only NPH (Neil Patrick Harris), a villain with big dreams and his own video blog. He's also quite in love with a girl at the laundromat, played by Felicia Day, whom many of us know from the final season of Buffy, but who's making quite a splash online with her own geektastic web series called The Guild. And he's got a nemesis as well, and our villain (hero) known as Captain Hammer is played by none other than Nathan "Captain Mal" Fillion of Firefly-y fame. So, it's kind of super-hero(villain) story. And kind of a love story. And it's a musical. Oh, come on, could it be any worse than Hancock?
Once more the Joss love out there shows, because Act I of this three-part tale (about 13 minutes each) hit the web yesterday - and it also crashed its own site, AND crashed the Whedonesque site, the official (is it official? I think it's official...) Joss news site (a site I'm fond of, because it featured me and Tim once for our Nice Guy Firefly/Serenity stuff), AND it's currently the #1 TV download on iTunes. And...it's about a singing super-villain...right? Ah, forget your pathetic mortal logic! Joss defies it, fools! KNEEL before Joss! But...not literally. I did that at the Serenity premiere and he didn't seem to care for it...
Dr. H is a hell of a lot of fun. Done on the cheap (you can tell) and plainly just for laughs, it's available on it its own site:
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
...or off iTunes, if you want it on your iPod, iPhone, iMonkey, whatever, or just want to give Joss money (I also gave Joss money at the Serenity premiere. That, he didn't seem to mind...). Act II JUST hit the site tonight (wonder if it's crashed yet?), and I haven't watched it yet, but if it's anything like the first one, I can't wait. Nathan and NPH, baby! SOLD! Act III is set to hit the site on Saturday. See? You don't have to wait years for a trilogy to end. Joss hooks you up all in the same week!
Give the Dr.'s tragic tale a try (can I illiterate or what?). You'll thank me later.
With my freeze ray I will stop...the world...
(I hope talking about this here doesn't crash my blog...)
At July 17, 2008 at 10:07 AM ,
Sarah said...
have you seen act 2 yet?!?! Yeah...freakin hilarious!! and by hammer I mean... I choked on my coffee with that line!! lol! Let me know what you think...
At July 18, 2008 at 4:06 PM ,
Martin Maenza said...
Ohmigod! Mike, thank you thank you thank you thank you for the link. That is the most awesome thing I have ever seen in my life. NPH, Nathan, singing, one of the geeks from "the Big Bang Theory" (he's the guy playing Moist). Incredible! Can't wait for the finale tomorrow.
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