Pimping "Trust Me"

I want to hug "Trust Me".
The minute I heard about this show I was locked in, simply because some mad genius had decided to put Tom Cavanagh and Eric McCormack together in the same show. NBC's "Ed" ended up being one of my favorite shows of all time (and I'm still twitchingly bitter that they haven't worked out all the legal issues to get it on DVD), and it's star, Tom, was one of the main reasons. This was someone I'd never seen before, and he amazed me with his natural, confident comedic talents and his everyman quality that made you unable to NOT root for him. And while I occasionally watched "Will & Grace" - not enough to qualify me (in my book) as a serious fan - I was always blown away by the hilarious Eric, and he was cemented as one of my favorite comedy guys after I saw him in the film "Free Enterprise" (a film I've seen countless times, because my friends at the time it was first out on DVD wanted to watch it over and over). Two of my favorite comedy actors in the same show! Gold!
My DVR was on it the first night it came out, and I was not disappointed. I love this show! It's about an ad agency (some refer to it as a modern-day "Mad Men") and the people who work there, and mainly about the two main characters, played by Tom and Eric, creative partners and long-time friends. Another huge bonus was the surprising return of Griffin Dunne, a guy I've been a fan of since the 80s (mostly for "After Hours" and his gorily hilarious role in "An American Werewolf in London") who has SO been needing more work! He plays their boss, a world-weary and jaded ad lifer.
Another surprise for me was Monica Potter - surprising because I didn't even recognize her the first couple of episodes. It's not like I ever saw her in a lot of things, but she made quite an impression on me during her appearance in (shudder) "Con Air". This was strictly a guy impression, nothing to do with her acting. I remember thinking what a perfect face she had, and what an awesome nose. She was like a cuter Julia Roberts (they look like relatives to me). All she really had to do in that role was look cute and look worried about hubby Nicholas "put the bunny back in the box" Cage, so it wasn't really a showcase for her talent. Based on that role, I couldn't even confirm that she HAD any talent.
But here we are, years later, and - here's where I get myself in trouble with my female readers - she's gotten older. People age, even in Hollywood, though many don't do it noticeably (surgical assistance helps with that), and Monica did. The photo above is a bit misleading as, on the show, her hair is always pulled back and she wears minimal makeup, because her character doesn't go in for that kind of thing. She's not young, cute and spunky anymore. And yet, now no longer tied to cute, spunky roles, she's now shown herself to be this AMAZING actress! I adore her character! She plays the new gal in the office, a brilliantly neurotic and desperate one, someone obsessed with her career who's not rich in what you call "the social skills". She's a complete breath of fresh air in the bland landscape of TV show characters. Now I finally am a huge Monica Potter fan.
The rest of the cast adds loads to the show. Geoffrey Arend (whom I know from a one-time only but very memorable appearance on "Undeclared") and Mike Damus play the younger screw-uppity creative team on their floor, great comic relief. Sarah Clarke (best known to TV fans as Nina on season one of "24") is fantastic as Eric's wife. And Donna Murphy, who plays the big boss, creeps me the hell OUT. This is because it's like they based the character directly on MY former big boss my last job, who causes the air in the room to gain tremendous weight just by stepping into it. Just seeing her come on screen makes me involuntarily set up straighter in my chair and try to look busy.
The show's called a "drama" (because TNT's whole ad campaign is about drama), but it's a great combo of comedy AND drama. The writing is superb, and I'm not just talking about dialogue. They do an excellent job if building in seemingly unwinnable situations, really making you worried for the characters - and this is a great teaching show for me, with writing, as I'm way too nice to my characters and need to learn this. I experience a warm "wow" after each episode ends, that rare sensation of realizing you've just watched a really quality show. I'm hooked. And I'm afraid to check the ratings, because I've gotten hooked on so many shows in my time that get yanked away from me and break my heart. I hope "Trust Me" is around for a good long time.
So if you're looking to try something new that will hopefully ring your bell as loud as its rung mine, "Trust Me" airs on Tuesday nights on TNT. And now's a great time to start, since this coming Tuesday they're showing back-to-back new episodes. And if you want to check out the handful that have already aired, you can always go to TNT.tv and watch full episodes on your computer. In my opinion, it's well worth your time, and I hope you'll find a new favorite program to eat up more of your precious evening time like I have.
Of course, I have more if it to spare than you do right now...
At March 13, 2009 at 8:34 AM ,
KC Ryan said...
shI like this far more than your typical hospital shows or police procedurals.
Not because I don't like some of those types of shows, but because I worked for a number of years in an ad agency. Granted, we never were as quirky as these guys, but we had our moments. And everything here has te ring of truth to it, even if the show does tend to exaggerate deadlines and such.
Fun show.
Truth to tell, I had never heard of any of the actors before. Sorry, my current-actor-profile module is out of date and not working. Good to hear where they came from, even if I honestly have no idea what those shows were either. What can I say, I'm pretty lousy with entertainment trivia this days.
Anyways, yes, I do love the show too. What the heck.
At March 17, 2009 at 8:58 AM ,
idreamicanfly said...
"TNT airs on Tuesday nights on TNT". Nice! But ok, I'll try your new show anyway :)
At March 17, 2009 at 1:17 PM ,
Michael O'Connell said...
And I don't want to get people too excited by this, but TNT is now airing seven days a week on TNT! That's amazing news for fans of both TNT and TNT!
Thanks for the catch, Jo. Ha! And congrats - you have just joined the Great Typo Contest! You've got a chip in the big game! Unfortunately, the big year-long game ends on 4/6, but you might have a late run at it. :)
At March 18, 2009 at 9:22 PM ,
idreamicanfly said...
Had I known there was a game, I would have started calling you out ages ago. I like to think I have a leg up, having worked as an editor for a living at one point in my varied and storied career. At the very least I'll have a grand advantage for next year. So y'all just watch out, 'cos I've got you in my sights.
We taped the show and watched the two episodes airing this week. And we have... a winner! I think we'll actually add this to our short list of programs we both watch. So thanks for sorting through the dross of new shows to find a winner.
At March 19, 2009 at 2:58 AM ,
Michael O'Connell said...
Excellent! Glad you guys liked it. I'm backed up on TV and haven't watched the second episode from Tuesday yet. Can't wait. Love that cast!! I just want to wrap this show and put a bow on it and hand it to people.
Yeah, sorry you missed the bulk of the contest. It'll be starting over on 4/7, though, and you'll have a whole year to tear me a new one. And I'll thank you for it! :D
At March 19, 2009 at 7:59 AM ,
idreamicanfly said...
Well, how can I pass up an offer like that? And is there any particular reason you start your yearly contest on Andy's birthday?
At March 20, 2009 at 3:38 PM ,
russw said...
I saw the pilot and my respose is ehhh.
of the new shows this year I gotta say Castle is my favorite
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