You Stay Classy, Sacramento!

In 2007, I know you were disappointed to find yourself only ranked 16th in the nation for auto theft. Well, you can shake THAT shame off! According to current statistics, Sacramento ranks 4TH in the United States for stolen cars! Woo hoo!
This new report shows that Sacramento has roughly twice the auto theft rate of other cities its size. And as a big shocker to citizens of Sacramento, the majority of Sac car thefts happen around the Arden area. Who would have thought?!
Interestingly, police authorities in Sacramento state that only about 7% of the stolen cars in the capitol city are stripped and sold for parts. They say that most of these cars are stolen because the thief "needs a ride". Specifically, to drive from crime scene to crime scene - that is, to go commit burglaries, go to deal drugs, or to go acquire more drugs. For whatever reason, these enterprising scamps are helping move Sacramento up the ranks, so hats off, crank fiends! We salute you!
And cheer up, Sacramento citizens, if you're disappointed in only making it to fourth place. At least we've still got the worst-ranked basketball team in the NBA! Keep the pride alive!
At March 19, 2009 at 2:45 PM ,
KC Ryan said...
See, if you had a decent public transportation system so those scumbags could get around, you wouldn't have so many cars stolen! :)
Seriously, I used to put Club on my car all the time when I lived in Sacto - but don't, in Chicago.
Go-o-o-o fig.
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