Garfield Ave RepreSENT!

"Hanging on the sidewalks of downtown Sacramento, just BEGGING to get mugged. Typing on this phone is probably not helping."
'Cause, you know, I'm from the suburbs. And we fear downtown. We're convinced it's a constant hotbed of crime and malfeasance, that every time we park, our stereo's going to get stolen, and that we're liable to get stabbed if we're within 50 feet or so of a Lightrail station.
So after I survived my few minutes of hanging on the sidewalk, finishing up a cigar and a conversation with a couple of comedians, I got in my van and headed home, back to my nice, safe, quiet suburban hood. Mi gringo barrio.
I was headed east down Madison, almost to my intersection, when a sheriff's car, lights-a-flashy, went booking past me. Okay, then. I pulled over for a sec like everyone else. I just started to go again when another one whipped out from a side street and followed the first one.
Just as I got within eyesight of the Garfield Avenue intersection, I saw them go through the light. And then I saw another flashing sheriff's car shoot through the same intersection, going north on Garfield. Then, right after that? ANOTHER one speeding by, but this one going SOUTH on Garfield.
First thing I thought was, "Wouldn't it be awesome if they all blew the same light and just ran into each other?"
Second thing was, "What, do they not KNOW where the crime is happening? Did someone call on a cell phone and say, 'Help, I'm being robbed! I'm somewhere in the suburbs! Come find me!'?"
Then as I pulled into my complex and got parked, I started coming down my wheelchair lift, and overhead, a police helicopter with its spotlight going buzzed by.
So I guess the point I'm getting to here is...does anyone know of any decent, affordable housing available right now in the downtown area?
You know, where it's safe?
At February 25, 2010 at 7:19 AM ,
KC Ryan said...
At June 10, 2010 at 11:54 AM ,
Nick Sottero said...
I'm Nick and I have EDMD. I live in Modesto.I hope u are doing good and recovering quickly.I have been their myself 3 times.Got a second in 2003.Last year had my third put in. They took the old one out and put the new one on the other side. They really messed up the first side and I had bad brusing from my shoulder to my wrist.It was hard to do anything.
Michael ur a real standup guy(lol no pun intended)from 1 person with EDMD to other your a man after my own heart. I truly hope your doing well and get back to comedy real soon. I saw your videos and it made my day. Maybe 1 day we could chat.
Nick (
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