Movie time again, SacFilmFans! We're getting a posse together for Harold and Kumar 2 this Saturday night, 4/26, at the Century theater on Ethan again, the 7:30 show. Did you see the first one? Then you probably know exactly what to expect. Leave your sophistication at the door. It's time to get together with some buddies and laugh like an idiot at a bunch of gross-out jokes, performed above their writing by a couple of really funny guys. It will NOT be art. Will it be funny? I'm betting yes. The first film is definitely a guilty pleasure for me - an uneven film that knew it was uneven, really didn't care, and just wanted to make you laugh and take it with as little seriousness as it took itself. Kal Penn and John Cho are just naturally funny guys, and when backed up by one of the great film inspirations of this millennium - Neil Patrick Harris as "himself" - they gave us a movie that made us groan as much as we did laugh (not necessarily in a bad way, either - you find yourself embracing some over-the-top silliness just as much as they do). The first one always cracks me up, and I only ask them same of the sequel. So join us! It's what NPH would do, man!
At April 25, 2008 at 2:59 AM ,
Martin Maenza said...
Mike, typo alert! You spelled Neil's first name wrong in your blog entry (yeah, I get a point). Second, love the "what would NPH do?" motto. Not as good as "what would Richard Hatch do?" but it is up there. ;)
Funny, your first two film reviews of the summer feature cast members of "How I Met Your Mother". I love the show. Got seasons 1 and 2 on DVD last weekend at Target for $20 apiece - a good price. Gotta be some karma there.
At April 25, 2008 at 7:42 AM ,
Sarah said...
OMG I was just saying to myself this morning that I totally wanted to see this movie this weekend!! Let me see if we can get a sitter!
And darn it...martin got a point!! Gaaah. Oh well...suit up!!
At April 25, 2008 at 9:51 AM ,
Dr. K. said...
Dude, sorry, cant do NPH, it's him and Jim Carrey that annoy me the most. Although I'll admit least NPH is somewhat funny, he still annoys me. Carrey to me, not even funny, oh well.
Ironman question. (man i cant even say that without thinking Black Sabbath's growling distorted "I..AM...IRONMAN") hahaha
Anyway, I know it comes out Fri. And well Im betting you guys are seeing it on opening night. (which I cant blame you since this is onw you've been waiting on) But can I make a petition for Sat night? Just less complicated for me. But if not, thanks for making most of your movies for Sat night.
Makes the armcandy more accessible and happy with the world. hahaha
I wear the pants cough....cough...cough...cough...
I swear.
At April 25, 2008 at 10:26 AM ,
Michael O'Connell said...
Martin - Sweet! I'll get that fixed when I get home tonight - and tally your point. Oh the typo contest is so ON! And FYI - I just got season 1 of "Your Mother" (I like using that as a shorthand version of the title, because it makes for more fun conversation about it. "Dude, I LOVED Your Mother last night!) off Amazon. Couldn't put it off any longer. Only seen the pilot so far...already hooked. Fantastic cast! Smart writing! So far, so good...
Sarah - Excellent! Sure hope you guys can make it. So far it sounds like definitely me, Tim, Ken and Mr. Bangs. We'll see who else. And re: my discussion with Martin about Your Mother (hee hee) - I just saw the pilot last night, so I totally got your "suit up" joke! I'm hip! Woo hoo!
Dr. K - No worries, sir! First off, we're leaning more toward Saturday nights now anyway, as they just seem better for everyone. Plus, Tim is going to be out of town opening night of Iron Man, so we're already planning on the Saturday night show for that one. So I hope that means you guys will be there! It's pretty much Saturday movie nights for the rest of the summer, I think.
By the way - you MUST pick up the Sarah Marshall soundtrack! I got it off iTunes right when I got home. It's even got the Dracula music. "And when I see Van Helsing, I swear by the Lord I will slay him. AH ha ha ha!!..." By the way...I've now seen the movie twice. I dug it that much.
At April 25, 2008 at 3:09 PM ,
Sarah said...
ahahaha "your mother", I so totally spit coffee on my keyboard. lmao! And yes...another one hooked on that show. I have both seasons and I love putting them on over the weekend for some stupid humor.
It's gonna be legen-wait for it-dary!! (there are a ton of stupid tag lines from that show!!) I will let you know about the sitter tomorrow. :) Yay!
At April 26, 2008 at 4:51 AM ,
Martin Maenza said...
Mike, I've been a fan of Your Mother since the first episode aired. We do not miss it - it is a Monday night staple in our household. Just watched the taped episode from this week - the return of Robin Sparkles! What am I talking about? See season 2's episodes "Slap Bet" - true classic. Oh, and if you get season 2 on DVD, even better. The extra for that one is worth it!
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