The Most Fun You'll Have Today

I know...who HASN'T, right?
Well, now you can do all this and more. Thanks to our friends over at Netdisaster, you can punch in any URL address, and choose which special effect you want to unleash on that page. As you can see here, I vandalized my blog. But you may prefer to watch ants crawl all over the CNN site (here's a tip - start that ant thing on any web site, step away from your computer, and let someone else walk into the room and see it. And hear them scream), or have wasps sting the DNC or RNC's home page. I just used the "flood" effect to drown my blog! But more importantly, I just went to and totally shot holes in my own face! It was soooo boss!
So drop on by the site and try it yourself. I promise you literally MINUTES of amazing fun. I only hope you have a web page for the company you work for available - so you can make a cartoon guy take a pee on your boss.
At March 20, 2009 at 6:48 AM ,
KC Ryan said...
Love it!
At March 20, 2009 at 2:54 PM ,
russw said...
and the response from Mike's blog?
- Oh yeah well I think you suck!
At March 22, 2009 at 6:11 AM ,
Martin Maenza said...
I tried the dog poop one. Eeeww. So gross. Loved it!
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