Michael O'Blogger

The Official Blog of MichaelOConnell.com

Sunday, February 22, 2009

How many points is THAT worth?

If you get the chance, today and today only, drop by the official Scrabble web page and check out the word for the day. AWEsome. There's a new word of the day each day (you probably could have figured that out yourself), so it'll be gone tomorrow. But today? There is comedy.

In case you missed out, I'm posting a screen capture here.

Rock on, Hasbro. Rock on.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Photo #6

I got tagged by Jim McClain with the following rules:

1.Go to your pictures folder and open the sixth one.
2.Post the sixth picture.
3.Tag six people.

As such, I am posting #6 in my folder:

Obviously a self-portrait of myself, taken outside the DC booth (how can you tell?) at San Diego Comic-Con. Not sure what year...late 90s, early 2000s. When did Blair Witch Project come out? This must have been right after that, since I was going for that gag here. (Checks IMDb). Okay, was 1999.

And I'm going to tag Tony, Jo, Emily, Jen, Sarah and Summer.

Whew. Good thing it wasn't photo #7. (Wipes brow)... Kidding. Or am I...?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Got a little image forward from my sister that I rather enjoyed.

Hope everyone has a great one. Me, I'm just going to sit here and be bitter.