Live Patio Update - Police on Scene

It's 4:30 AM. I came out on the patio about half an hour ago to wrap up the night and unwind (and smoke my last cigar), to be greeted by the usual sound of College Girl With Issues and her beau yelling at each other. Windows open. I'd get bits and pieces, though I was trying to ignore it. She yelled at him to do something or other about the barking dog, he, in turn, yelled a couple of blunt expletives at her. I heard something in there with her yelling about having cream cheese in her hair. Oh, her name is Kayla, I heard, by the way. I heard him say that when he yelled something cocky and patronizing at her. Things eventually progressed to the usual threats from her about doing something with the authorities, and him, quite confidently (and dumbly) telling her that it would all get blamed on her. Like I said...the usual.
And then the cops showed up.
I didn't even notice. I heard the car pull up, but that's normal this time of the morning - I think it's a paper delivery kid who normally gets dropped off here to start his rounds. So a cop walked right by me without me even knowing. It wasn't until I heard her door opening and her coming down the stairs and addressing someone that I knew something else was up. I didn't look, just listened. Though I did lean over and look at the parking spots in front of the office, and noticed the Sheriff's car.
I heard bits of the conversation. Obviously she'd called the cops on him. But it appeared it was just to have him removed. She sounded quite calm and apologetic about it. As they were talking, another car pulled up. As Sheriff #2 got out, my neighbor Dennis (next door) came out, as usual (he works really early) at this time. He walked by the officer, said hello, and said that he lives here, and wanted to know if there was anything he should worry about. "Nope!" the officer said, pleasant as you please. Okay, then.
They finally went upstairs, and I guess a conversation took place. I heard jackass boyfriend talking to them (also calm and polite). The gist I got was that since he doesn't have a car, he's called a friend to come pick up him up, and he's to take his things and leave. Interestingly, the police didn't hang around to make sure that happened. THAT sounds safe.
So they're gone now. I heard him place the cell call to his friend while the cops were still here, and the cops telling her that if for some reason he doesn't comply and leave to call them. Hmm.
And now I'm hearing them arguing up there again. I'm no cop, but this smells like a recipe for disaster. Man, that girl can SWEAR.
She's accusing him of things. He's using sarcastic, mocking, belittling tones, further explaining, I'm sure (an air conditioning unit running is keeping me from hearing for sure), that this is all her fault. So, she dipped her OWN hair in the cream cheese? Is that some kind of new age conditioning technique?
My other upstairs neighbor, from above Dennis, just headed for his car, too. He works early as well.
Anyone want to place a bet on how long it is before jackass boy is back here - assuming he actually leaves? I really hate to sound jaded, but I've seen this too many times before. Young women and their bad boys. Can't live with them, can't live without them. I wonder if he's going to take the barking puppy with him? No, that would give him some kind of responsibility to look after. I don't sense that desire in him. All I sense is the likelihood of more loud open-window sex sometime between now and Friday.
So much for a quiet night of writing. Oh, well. A little Jerry Springer drama instead.
I really do need to be getting to bed. I have somewhere to be in the early afternoon. I even shaved tonight, after not bothering to do so for a few days. I just want to see if he peacefully leaves. I just realized I left my cell phone inside, so any 911 call from me would be a little slow, if things turn nasty. Well, I'll listen anyway, make sure it all goes okay.
Someone walked by. I think it was the newspaper kid.
It's currently 57 degrees outside, by the way. After a few cooler days, we're going to be back to 95 or so for a high the next few days. Bad time to run out of cigars. The hot weather means that my upstairs neighbor leaves his windows closed until the evening, so that gives me a chance to smoke and write without offending him with my stink. Just means I have to put up with the heat, but that's rarely a problem for me. I dig heat.
I got into an interesting debate on a message board tonight. Some guy posted up a thread, some poor 23-year old sap whose girlfriend not only just left him but started sleeping with a friend of his less than a month later. As some posters were suggesting that an ex was open game, I posted up my opinions on the Guy Code, and how it is never, ever acceptable to date a friend's ex. No special circumstances (but I'm really attracted to her!), no gray area. You just don't. It's a simple Golden Rule concept - would you like it if your friend did that with YOUR ex a month after the split? One of the responses I got was a guy actually arguing, in all seriousness, that the one being a bad friend is the one who won't let his buddy hook up with his ex and gives him grief over it. The internet brain-set vexes me. You never really know, though, if people are serious with their opinions or just being contrary to feel potent.
Well, it's getting late (or early, depending on your world view) and I've yet to hear any friend with a car show up. Then again, I have noticed these two crazy kids tend to park in the lot of the strip-mall next to the complex and climb over the short brick wall to get home. Maybe he had his friend meet him out there and he's already gone. Or maybe it's going to be a long wait. Or maybe they'll make up before the sun rises. I don't know. Either way, I don't think I feel like losing anymore sleep worrying over a girl who's clearly addicted to this kind of drama, as she keeps coming back for more. I know...jaded, right? Shame.
So I'm off to bed. Here comes Tuesday.